Unveiling the Power of White Straight Teeth: Why It's Time for It to Become the Rule, Not the Exception!

woman smiling

People with properly aligned teeth are often seen as more confident, successful, and intelligent. Oral Health Foundation data shows that 31% of the population feels self-conscious about their tooth color. At the same time, research from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) indicates that 74% of adults believe an ugly smile can hinder their professional success. Some may say it's pointless to be concerned with having white, straight teeth, yet crooked teeth could be a sign of far worse problems.

The Journey to a Crowded Smile

A child sleeping
A child breathing through the mouth while sleeping

Crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth don’t just appear out of the blue… You don't just wake up one day with dental problems. Dental misalignment issues start developing from childhood; some would say you can predict a person's future dental problems by looking at their childhood habits. Behaviors such as mouth breathing, thumb sucking, and prolonged use of pacifiers can all contribute to misalignment issues.

Jaw Size

There is a huge difference between the diets of our ancestors and what we eat today. Over the centuries, human lifestyle has changed for the better in many ways. One of these changes includes accessibility to processed foods, canned foods, and overall easy-to-cook food, and although these foods help us save much time while cooking, they also affect our jaws. Many researchers believe that eating foods that are easier to chew has caused humans to develop weaker and smaller jaws.

Facial Trauma

Just like any other injury, facial trauma can also result in fractures, bone displacement, muscle tear, or a broken jaw. Suffering any form of blow to the face can result in both short-term and long-term injuries, including displaced and misaligned teeth.

Genetic Influences

Your chances of misaligned, crooked teeth, bite issues, or a weak jaw increase if it runs in your family. So if you carry it in your genes, using corrective therapy at a young age becomes crucial.

child sucking on a thumb
A child sucking on a thumb

Impact of Myofunctional Habits

Many myofunctional practices affect the muscles of the face and mouth, such as thumb sucking, extended use of a bottle or dummy, tongue thrusting, and mouth breathing. Not only do these practices contribute to misalignment issues such as malocclusion, but they also have the potential to interrupt the regular growth of the teeth.

Neglect of Dental Care

The fear of dentists is common among many people, and although avoiding regular dentist visits seems like a good solution, it can result in issues that require extensive treatment. To avoid procedures like root canals, gum infections, cavities, or worse, tooth extraction, it's best to keep up with regular visits.

Nutritional Deficiencies

A diet lacking important nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D, or iron can make it harder for teeth to grow properly, especially when kids are young. Not getting enough nutrients can result in weak enamel, which makes your teeth more prone to cavities and chipping.

Crowded Teeth: A Symptom of a Bigger Issue

As we have already established, crowded and misaligned teeth can occur for many reasons, sometimes as a result of poor health. Now that we have discussed the causes, let us move on to the side effects of crooked teeth.

Gastric Ulcer
Illustration of Gastric Ulcer
  • Periodontal disease: Crooked teeth are harder to clean. Brush bristles cannot always reach the spaces between overlapping teeth, leading to plaque buildup, gum disease, and cavities. If left untreated, it can even progress to periodontitis.
  • Chewing and digestion: A bad bite makes chewing difficult; if the food is not chewed properly, it can cause gastrointestinal issues.
  • Excess wear and tear: Uneven bites and crooked teeth put uneven pressure on teeth. The teeth that make contact have to make up for teeth that don’t. This can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and even chipping of teeth.
  • Speech difficulties: Gaps in teeth can make producing certain sounds more difficult, which in turn can affect how you speak.
  • Self-esteem: If you look in the mirror and don't like your appearance, it can make you feel isolated and avoid social gatherings.

Why are Straight Teeth Important

Although one could argue that our personalities are more important than our looks, we still tend to form our initial opinions about people based on their appearance. Hence proving that aesthetics do matter. Moreover, having beautiful straight white teeth makes you feel more confident, and it can improve your self-image. Some other health benefits of straight teeth and better bite function include:

  • Straight teeth can be easier to clean; hence, you tend to develop fewer cavities.
  • Better bite function, puts less strain on the jaw, which helps prevent TMJ and migraines.
  • If you have a better bite, you can chew better, which means better digestion.

Solutions for Crowded Teeth and Misalignment

Numerous studies have shown a clear link between the appearance of one’s teeth and their self-esteem. For example, a study by Cigna found that 93% of patients who were completely satisfied with their smiles rated their self-confidence as either excellent or very good. Conversely, 15% of those dissatisfied with their smiles reported lower self-confidence.

Whatever your motivations for straightening your crooked teeth, you’ll be glad to know there are a few ways we can help:

Traditional Braces

When it comes to straightening teeth, many people still choose fixed metal braces, especially teens, because of the consistent and successful results they provide. Brackets are glued onto teeth and linked by a wire, which progressively moves the teeth into place.

Braces aren’t a quick fix; treatment can take months and occasionally years. The results are more than worth it, though, and if you keep wearing your retainers, your new smile will last a lifetime.

Clear aligners
Clear aligners in their case

Check your eligibility for Clear aligners today by taking a simple Smile Assessment.

Invisible braces

The removable, custom-fit aligners known as "clear aligners" offer a painless, irritant-free alternative to traditional metal braces. With clear aligners, you won't have to worry about brackets or wires getting in the way of your food or drink, and you can even take them off for special occasions, plus they make cleaning your teeth easier.

Nevertheless, because of their removable nature, clear aligners demand a higher level of compliance and motivation to be worn regularly. They are also more prone to being misplaced or lost, which can cause treatment delays and extra expenses.


Dental veneers are a fast and easy method of teeth straightening. The veneer is a thin covering of porcelain that covers your natural tooth, drawing attention away from any flaws. Veneers can be used not only to straighten teeth but also to conceal deformed teeth or teeth that are deeply discolored and cannot be whitened. The effects are stunning—think Hollywood smile—and can be obtained in only a few appointments.

The disadvantage of veneers is that your dentist will have to remove some tooth surfaces to get the best results. Because of this, we may suggest exploring other less invasive options if your teeth are in good condition but only slightly misaligned.

A person getting dental crown fixed
A person getting dental crown fixed


Even if your teeth are fractured or severely rotten, your dentist may be able to help you achieve a confident smile. After removing any decay, dental crowns can be fitted over any damaged or fractured teeth. In addition to looking brand new, they will perform identically to your own.

In some circumstances, your orthodontist may use a combination of crowns and veneers to get that perfect smile.

Teeth bonding

Dental bonding is a simple and less invasive cosmetic procedure that can help to straighten teeth. An orthodontist will carefully build up and contour your teeth with a tooth-colored composite to make them straighter.

The composite produces a natural appearance that blends in with your real teeth. Furthermore, the procedure is reversible and requires less than an hour to perform.

Teeth Whitening on crooked teeth
Teeth Whitening on crooked teeth

Teeth whitening

Professional teeth whitening won't change the position of your teeth, but it can make your smile look completely different. Brightening your teeth by a few shades can make them appear more consistent and youthful. Tooth stains can build up over time from food, drinks like coffee or wine, and habits like smoking.

Whitening procedures, whether performed at a dentist's office or with an at-home teeth whitening kit, can quickly and dramatically transform the look of your smile.

An improved smile can also boost your confidence in social and work situations, which can help your self-esteem. Teeth whitening is a popular and quick option for people to improve their appearance, particularly in the days leading up to big events like weddings, job interviews, or presentations. Combining teeth whitening with other dental procedures, like clear aligners, can make your smile look even better.

Aligner32 Clear Aligners and Teeth Whitening Kit

If you're seeking a dramatic improvement to your smile, you might want to consider combining Aligner32 Clear Aligners and Teeth Whitening Kit. The Aligner32 clear aligners slowly straighten your teeth, fixing problems like mild misalignment and crowding. The teeth whitening kit makes sure that your smile looks better by making your teeth whiter and brighter.

One of the best parts of Aligner32 is that it allows you to achieve your ideal smile from the comfort of your home. Our clear aligners are a convenient and affordable alternative to traditional braces that let you straighten your teeth without having to visit a dentist every few weeks. Aligner32 clear aligners are nearly invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning, making the process easy to integrate into your daily routine.

And here is a secret…Aligner32 also includes a free teeth whitening kit with each clear aligner plan! So what are you waiting for? Order your Aligner Plan and start your teeth straightening journey because we believe it's time for white straight teeth to become the rule, not the exception.

To know more about custom aligners, reach us at (888) 861-1884.

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, teeth, although neglected by many, play a very significant role in our overall health and our self-esteem. With solutions like Aligner32 clear aligners and teeth whitening kits, achieving white straight teeth is becoming accessible to the masses. No matter what path you choose to get there, be it braces, veneers, or dental bonding, attaining a beautiful smile has never been easier.


How is teeth whitening helpful?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure that helps to attain a bright smile. To escape the hassle of clinic appointments, whitening kits have made it easier.

Do teeth whitening kits work?

Teeth whitening kits do work effectively, however, they do not provide immediate effective whitening as compared to teeth whitening done at a clinic.

Are teeth moved with aligners effectively?

When used as prescribed, aligners can be very effective. For many people, they provide an effective and reliable alternative to traditional braces for teeth straightening, with similar outcomes.

What is the duration required for teeth to shift with aligners?

The length of treatment depends on the complexity of the case as well as the patient's unique features.


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