Why Would Anyone Need a Teeth Straightening Surgery?

Teeth Straightening

Teeth straightening surgery, while daunting to some, is a crucial step for many towards a healthier and more functional smile. This blog sheds light on the instances where such surgical intervention is necessary, going beyond traditional braces or clear aligners. Orthognathic surgery, or teeth straightening surgery, addresses severe misalignments that not only enhance the smile's appearance but also correct functional issues related to chewing and speaking.

In the following sections, we'll explore three specific scenarios that necessitate this surgery and how it complements other orthodontic treatments. Understanding the role of this specialized procedure can offer a new perspective on comprehensive dental health and the journey to achieving a perfect smile.

Understanding Teeth Straightening Surgery

When it comes to rectifying dental irregularities, teeth straightening often transcends the realm of aligners and braces, especially in complex cases. Orthognathic surgery, more commonly known as teeth straightening surgery, steps in as a crucial solution for significant jaw misalignments and severe dental issues that cannot be addressed by conventional methods alone.

As explained on the New Mouth website, this type of surgery is typically recommended for individuals who have reached skeletal maturity, usually in their late teens. This timing is critical because it ensures that the jaw has fully developed, making the outcomes of the surgery more predictable and stable.

Orthognathic surgery involves a series of procedures designed to align the jaws correctly. This alignment is not just for aesthetic improvement but is essential for proper function. The surgery can resolve a range of issues from difficulty in chewing and speaking to chronic jaw pain and even sleep apnea caused by misaligned jaws. In some cases, the surgery also includes aligning the teeth, which is where traditional orthodontic treatments like braces or Aligner32’s clear aligners come into play post-surgery.

Candidates for this surgery often include individuals with an underbite, overbite, crossbite, or severe crowding of teeth that braces alone cannot correct. The goal is to achieve a harmonious bite and facial symmetry, leading to improved functionality and appearance.

The Role of Surgery in Orthodontic Treatment

Orthognathic Surgery: A Crucial Step in Comprehensive Orthodontic Care

Orthodontic surgery, particularly orthognathic surgery, isn't just an isolated procedure; it's a pivotal part of a larger, more comprehensive orthodontic treatment plan. Here's how surgery plays a key role in setting the stage for successful orthodontic outcomes:

  • Creating a Solid Foundation: Orthognathic surgery is often the first step in treating severe jaw misalignments. This procedure helps in creating a proper foundation for the teeth, making subsequent alignment processes more effective.
  • Beyond Cosmetic Correction: Surgery doesn't only enhance facial aesthetics; it's also about improving functionality. For those with extreme jaw misalignments, surgery can resolve issues like biting difficulties, speech problems, and even breathing challenges.
  • Preparing for Braces or Aligners: Post-surgery, the jaw and teeth are in a better position for traditional orthodontic treatments. For example, after adjusting a significantly misaligned jaw, treatments like Aligner32’s clear aligners can be much more effective in fine-tuning the teeth's alignment.
  • Enhancing Overall Quality of Life: By addressing the root cause of severe dental misalignments, surgery not only prepares the mouth for braces or aligners but also significantly improves the patient's quality of life.

In the following sections, we'll dive into specific situations where non-surgical methods might not be enough and how surgical intervention becomes a necessary step in the journey toward a perfect smile.

Artificial Jaw Model
Orthodontic Practice on an Artificial Jaw Model

When Non-Surgical Methods Aren't Enough

Orthodontic treatments, including traditional braces and clear aligners like those offered by Aligner32, are highly effective for a wide range of alignment issues. However, there are certain complex scenarios where these non-surgical methods may not suffice. This section delves into such cases, highlighting the necessity of surgical intervention for effective treatment.

  • Severe Bite Discrepancies: When a patient has a severe overbite, underbite, or crossbite, the issue often lies not just with the teeth but with the jaw's alignment. In such cases, adjusting the teeth alone doesn't address the root of the problem. Orthognathic surgery becomes essential to reposition the jaw, thereby correcting the bite discrepancy.
  • Skeletal Issues in Adults: In adults, the skeletal structure is fully formed and less susceptible to change through braces or aligners alone. For instance, if the lower and upper jaws are significantly misaligned, surgery is often the only way to correct this imbalance effectively.
  • Maximizing Treatment Effectiveness: According to Healthline, for severe bite discrepancies or skeletal issues, orthognathic surgery is necessary to adjust the jaw's position. This adjustment not only improves the bite but also creates a more harmonious facial profile and ensures that subsequent treatments with braces or aligners can be as effective as possible.
  • Enhancing Functional and Aesthetic Results: Surgical intervention in these cases goes beyond cosmetic enhancements. It's about improving the overall functionality of the mouth, including chewing, speaking, and even breathing in some instances.

Understanding when non-surgical methods are not enough is crucial for effective orthodontic treatment. By recognizing the need for surgical intervention in these complex cases, patients can achieve not just a more aesthetically pleasing smile, but also a significant improvement in oral functionality and overall quality of life.

Post-Surgical Care and Treatment

The journey to a perfect smile doesn’t end with orthognathic surgery; in fact, post-surgical care and ongoing orthodontic treatment are key to ensuring successful outcomes. Understanding and navigating the recovery process is crucial for patients who undergo this surgery.

  • Recovery Phase: As outlined by Healthline, recovery from orthognathic surgery typically spans 2 to 3 weeks. During this time, patients may experience swelling, which can persist even longer. It's a period where rest and adherence to post-operative care instructions are paramount.
  • Managing Post-Surgical Changes: Post-surgery, patients may need to adjust to changes in their bite and facial structure. This can include adapting to new ways of biting, chewing, and even speaking, as the jaw settles into its new position.
  • Ongoing Orthodontic Treatment: After surgery, the role of orthodontic treatment like clear aligners becomes even more crucial. Aligner32’s clear aligners, for instance, can be instrumental in fine-tuning the alignment of teeth post-surgery. They help in making precise adjustments and in maintaining the alignment achieved through surgery.
  • Achieving Final Smile Goals: The combination of surgery and post-surgical orthodontic treatment works towards the final goal of a harmonious smile and improved functionality. This phase is critical as it ensures that the changes made surgically are refined and preserved for the long term.
  • Regular Follow-ups: Regular follow-up appointments with the orthodontist are essential during this phase. These appointments allow for monitoring of the healing process, adjustments in treatment plans if needed, and ensure that the teeth are moving as expected.

The post-surgical phase, though challenging, is a vital part of the journey towards achieving the desired smile. With proper care, patience, and the right orthodontic treatment, patients can look forward to the successful realization of their smile goals.

How Aligner32 Fits into Post-Surgical Care

Following orthognathic surgery, the continuation of orthodontic treatment is essential for achieving the best long-term results. Aligner32’s clear aligners offer an ideal solution for this phase of treatment, but it's crucial to note that their use should only commence after approval from your orthodontist or surgeon.

  1. Post-Surgical Assessment: Before transitioning to Aligner32 aligners, a thorough assessment by your orthodontic surgeon is necessary. They will determine the right time to begin using aligners, ensuring that your jaw and teeth have healed sufficiently from the surgery.
  2. Customized for Post-Surgical Needs: Once given the green light by your healthcare professional, Aligner32’s aligners are custom-fitted to your post-surgical dental structure. This customization is key to addressing the specific alignment needs following surgical changes.
  3. Comfort During Recovery: Our aligners are designed for comfort, which is especially important post-surgery when your mouth may still be sensitive. They offer a less intrusive option compared to traditional braces, easing the transition into this new phase of treatment.
  4. Maintaining and Enhancing Surgical Results: Aligner32 aligners play a critical role in maintaining the surgical results. They ensure that the teeth are aligned correctly and the bite is maintained, thereby solidifying the improvements achieved through surgery.
  5. Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment: Throughout the post-surgical treatment, regular monitoring is essential. Aligner32 allows for easy at home monitoring to accommodate the gradual shifting of teeth, ensuring effective and continuous alignment.
  6. Final Step Towards Aesthetic and Functional Goals: The ultimate aim of using Aligner32’s clear aligners post-surgery is to achieve both aesthetic and functional harmony. They are the final step in ensuring that your smile is not just visually appealing but also functionally efficient.

In conclusion, while Aligner32’s clear aligners are an excellent option for post-surgical orthodontic care, it is imperative to begin their use only after your orthodontist or surgeon confirms it's safe and appropriate to do so. They offer a tailored, comfortable, and effective solution for finalizing your smile journey, bringing you closer to achieving that perfect smile.


Teeth straightening surgery, particularly orthognathic surgery, is an essential option for certain complex dental cases. Understanding its role in comprehensive orthodontic care helps patients make informed decisions about their treatments. Aligner32 recognizes the importance of this surgery in achieving not just aesthetic improvements but also functional dental health.

For those transitioning from surgical treatment to continued orthodontic care, Aligner32’s clear aligners provide an effective and comfortable solution for fine-tuning their smile post-surgery. We are dedicated to supporting our patients throughout their entire orthodontic journey, offering tailored solutions to meet each unique need.

In summary, whether your path to a perfect smile involves surgery or directly using our aligners, Aligner32 is committed to guiding you towards achieving your optimal dental health and a confident smile.


Q. What makes teeth straightening surgery different from regular orthodontic treatments?

A. Teeth straightening surgery, or orthognathic surgery, differs from regular orthodontic treatments in its approach and objectives. While regular treatments like braces or clear aligners mainly focus on aligning the teeth within the existing jaw structure, orthognathic surgery involves surgically repositioning the jawbones. This is typically necessary for correcting more severe jaw misalignments or bite discrepancies that cannot be resolved with braces or aligners alone.

Q. How do I know if I need teeth straightening surgery?

A. The need for teeth straightening surgery is usually determined by an orthodontist or dental surgeon based on the severity of your jaw misalignment and bite issues. Common indicators include difficulty in biting or chewing, jaw pain, significant overbite or underbite, and facial asymmetry. If you're experiencing any of these issues, a consultation with an orthodontic specialist can help determine if surgery is the right option for you.

Q. What is the recovery process like after teeth straightening surgery?

A. Recovery from teeth straightening surgery can vary but typically involves a period of 2 to 3 weeks for initial healing, with swelling and discomfort reducing gradually. During this time, patients are often advised to follow a soft or liquid diet and adhere to specific post-operative care instructions. Regular follow-up appointments are crucial to monitor healing and progress. Full recovery and the complete realization of surgical benefits can take several months.

Q. Can I use clear aligners after teeth straightening surgery?

A. Yes, clear aligners can often be used after teeth straightening surgery as part of the post-surgical orthodontic treatment. However, this should only be done under the guidance of an orthodontic specialist. They will assess when it's appropriate to start using aligners after surgery, usually once initial healing has occurred, to fine-tune the alignment of teeth and perfect your smile.

Q. How does Aligner32 assist in post-surgical orthodontic treatment?

A. Aligner32 plays a significant role in post-surgical orthodontic treatment by providing customized clear aligners to refine and perfect the alignment of teeth after surgery. Our aligners are tailored to suit the unique needs of your mouth post-surgery, ensuring a comfortable fit and effective results. With Aligner32, you get ongoing support and monitoring, ensuring that your journey towards a perfect smile is smooth and successful.

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