Why are My Teeth Chipping? Causes and Treatment

chipped tooth

Have you been facing a crack or chip on your teeth?

A chipped tooth can have an impact on both your appearance and oral health. It can shatter one’s confidence, making them insecure about their smile. There could be various factors that could lead to teeth chipping. In this blog, we will get a complete understanding on teeth chipping, its causes, and the possible treatment options for chipped teeth.

Understanding Teeth Chipping

Teeth chipping, also known as tooth fracture, is a condition in which a tooth's enamel or dentin is damaged. It varies from slight chipping to even major cracks on the teeth. It may look like a tiny cosmetic concern, but if left unaddressed, it can cause further dental issues.

Common causes of Chipped Teeth

Let us discuss some of the common causes of teeth chipping.

Tooth Decay

A tooth decay occurs when an individual does not follow good oral hygiene. It raises the risks of bacterial growth, making teeth more vulnerable to damage and chipping. As the decay rises, the chances of getting spots on the teeth increase. Moreover, even mild pressure on the teeth can lead to causing chipping to your teeth.

Teeth Grinding

A girl suffering from bruxism during sleep

Bruxism, also referred to as teeth grinding and clenching, is the condition in which an individual grinds their teeth while they sleep. The extensive pressure on the teeth often leads to damaging the tooth enamel resulting in teeth chips or cracks over time.

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Injuries are the most common cause of chipped teeth. Due to sudden pressure, accidents or falls can have an impact on the teeth resulting in chipped or cracked teeth. Even sometimes, individuals might bite on something hard that can affect their teeth.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Excessive consumption of acidic foods and beverages can damage the enamel. Over time the enamel weakens, making it more susceptible to chipping and causing cracks. Moreover, in case an individual fails to maintain proper oral hygiene, it can increase the risks of causing plaque build-up, and bacterial accumulation eventually damaging the tooth health.

Tooth Misalignment

Tooth misalignments can be one of the reasons for having chipped teeth. When teeth are not properly aligned they are more prone to chipping. With different straightening treatments being introduced, individuals can opt for either braces, clear aligners, or other options to get their misalignments addressed. It will further help them to avoid any wear and tear to the enamel causing teeth chipping.

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Tips to Prevent Teeth Chipping

Here are some of the tips individuals can adopt to prevent their teeth from chipping.

Good Oral Hygiene

By maintaining good oral hygiene, you can prevent yourself from getting plaque buildup. It can further help to refrain from bacterial accumulation resulting in tooth decay. By brushing twice a day, using an antibacterial mouthwash, and flossing, you can ensure good oral hygiene to maintain a healthy enamel and prevent your teeth from chipping.

Wear a Dental Guard

mouth guard
A boy putting on a mouth guard

If you are suffering from either tooth grinding or clenching, you can consult your dentist. They can best suggest the type of dental gadget that can assist you. For instance, wear a dental night guard to prevent bruxism. Individuals with high-impact activities can wear a mouth guard to protect their teeth from any injury.

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Healthy Diet

A good healthy diet plays an essential role in promoting overall good oral health specifically enamel. Food sources rich in calcium, such as dairy products and leafy green vegetables help with strong bones and teeth. Moreover, vitamin D helps with strengthening bones. An overall balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals helps sustain healthy teeth preventing teeth chipping.

Treatment Options for Chipped Teeth

Is your chipped teeth holding you back from smiling freely?

With the advancements in the field of orthodontics, there are varied treatment options that can help you get rid of chipped teeth. Your dentist can best suggest the best treatment option for you depending on the complexity of your teeth.

Dental Bonding

Cosmetic dentistry procedures like dental bonding, also known as composite bonding are known for treating chipped teeth. Your dentist will use tooth-colored resin material to modify the affected teeth's size, shape, or color. It is one of the effective treatment options to conceal the chips in your teeth. Dental bonding is one of the most frequently opted treatment option in the field of dentistry.


In the field of dentistry, veneers are known as the shells that are applied on the front of your teeth. They are made with high dental materials such as porcelain or composite that is coated like teeth. These are not just used for cosmetic purposes but, they help cover up some chips, cracks, gaps, or tooth discoloration.


A dental crown resembles a cap on a tooth. Crowns are used by dentists to repair weak, fractured, or decaying teeth. A crown resembles a tight helmet that covers your whole teeth. Before gluing your new crown in place, a dentist will need to remove a small amount of enamel to guarantee a correct fit.

Root Canal Procedure

A root canal can be required if the chip has exposed the tooth's pulp or seriously damaged it. In order to stop infection, the injured pulp is removed during this treatment, and the tooth is sealed.

Aligner 32 Night Guard

Explore custom-fit night guards to combat teeth grinding and clenching with Aligner32. It is a device used to overcome teeth grinding, one of the reasons for teeth chipping. Aligner32 offers a custom-fit Night Guard for Teeth Grinding making it easier for individuals to have a peaceful sleep.

Why choose Aligner32 Night Guard?

Here is why you should opt for Aligner32 Night Guard.

  • Custom-fit
  • Effective protection
  • Thickness options
  • EVA and PETG materials

Call us at (888) 861-1884 to learn about Night Guard for Teeth Grinding.


Teeth chipping is a common dental concern affecting individuals around the globe. The underlying reasons for chipped teeth include sudden falls, accidents, or injuries during any athletic activities. Certain tips mentioned in the guide can be allowed to ensure overall oral health including strong teeth to prevent teeth chipping. In case an individual gets chipped teeth, they can easily get rid of them through different treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I stop my teeth from chipping?

To prevent your teeth from chipping, keep your oral hygiene intact to avoid tooth decay. In case you grind your teeth, wear a night guard. Individuals with high-impact activities can include sports mouth guards in their routine.

Can I get my chipped teeth fixed?

Yes, different treatment options have now been introduced to help individuals get rid of their chipped teeth. Dental bonding, veneers, and veneers are among the treatment options used to fix chipped teeth.

What are the causes of chipped teeth?

Chipped teeth are the result of any injury, accident, or fall. Other causes could include tooth decay, teeth grinding, clenching, or playing support without your mouth protection.

What is the best treatment for chipped teeth?

Any treatment from Dental bonding to veneers or crowns can be suited for chipped teeth. Your dentist can best suggest the type of treatment depending on your tooth condition.

How to prevent teeth from chipping?

1- Protect your teeth during high impact sports activities by wearing a mouth guard.

2- Wear a night guard if you grind or clench your teeth.

3- Ensure good oral hygiene to avoid enamel damage and tooth decay.

  • Haruki Tanaka

    Haruki Tanaka

    Content Contributor

    Hailing from New York City, Haruki Tanaka seamlessly blends his love for lifestyle blogging with a passion for oral health. A dedicated ALIGNER32 user, Haruki shares his experiences navigating the vibrant urban landscape of New York City while undergoing teeth alignment. His blogs capture the intersection of contemporary American lifestyles... Read More

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